Selasa, 18 Oktober 2011


Muhammad Kenang Maulana of SMA N ! Tahunan Jepara, English Education Department at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. How nice, when I saw the announcement. Finally I was able to studying at the University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
First thing I would do after seeing the announcement was told my parents , exactly they was very pleased and supported me.
Secondly, I will sat down, opened laptop to browsing information about PMB UMY. Poorer enrolled as a freshman in UMY very much. Finnaly I got the information about registration of PMB conducted at the beginning of Ramadhan last month. Shorthly, I went to jogja with my parents and finished registration. After that I am direct to create a student card. After that I asked my parents looking for boarding houses around UMY.Finnaly I got a god boarding.
Apparently there has been norecent announcement from official website PMB UMY and after a few days later I get the latest information from the PMB UMY. The latest announcement contains “MATAF(Ta’aruf period)
There are 2 Mataf in UMY, namely Mataf FISIPOL and Mataf PBI, both give some requirements unique to be completed. Actually Mataf is still long. But I was excited to find all the equipment necessary for both. From looking a blue colored plastic bins, round glasses, scarf, blangkon, white gloves, rice,candy 20 brands, and many others. During 5 days before going to Jogja. I managed to collect almost 90% Mataf equipment. Two  days before being implement Mataf, I go to Jogja to prepare everything.
8/September/2011, Mataf FISIPOL will be implemented and I fell very ready to undergo a series of all events in Mataf FISIPOL. That events is very fun and I finished the day with a smile J
9/September/2011, Mataf PBI will be held at 6 am, as the day before I was ready to undergo Mataf today in the event Mataf PBI is very pleasant. I have new friends. They are so friendly and fun. The event ended at 5 am,furthermore I ending the day with a smile J
Two days is tiring but also very enjoyable days. And intensive lectures will be held three days after Mataf PBI. “Really can’t wait” I said.

14/September/2011. The first lectures.
On the first day is very exciting because its still in introduction steps. So I can know whose my lectures and my friends really is.

On the second day the lectures had given the basic materials, I really enjoyed it. The next day, its content about presentations and discussion with groups. Additionally when the course is over, the lectures always provide assignments. But that’s all is challenge for me to be great teacher.

I am proud to be a student at the University of muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Exactly Iam very happy in there. Exactly Wednesday, October 19, 2011Thursday, October 06, 2011, I want to get succesfully in this University.

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